31 July 2007

she's getting it~

one night, after anna had been in her room for awhile, she came down with a piece of paper. on it she had written what she felt like the Lord was saying to her...

"I know the plans I have for you, Anna, for I am the Father God who you love. I have not abandoned you, Anna, for you love me and I love you. You have opened my eyes and set my new day full of blessing that I pour out on you. I love you with all the love I can ever give you. You are loved so much you can't imagine it. You have very few sins compared to a lot of people. Go and tell the world about me and my love for you and all people, and I shall prepare you and your family for lots of challenging adventures. I love you, Anna."

~is that amazing or what? glen and i were amazed. i will admit, we smiled a little at the few sins compared to most people part. at first i thought, "well, that is probably a little of anna coming through in that part," but the more i thought about it, i realized that nope, that probably was God. that is exactly what she needs to hear and He knows it. she is so sensitive, and tries so hard to please and do everything right. she is by the book. she needs to know that He sees her efforts to obey Him and please Him, and gee...she's a child. she does probably have fewer sins than most people :o)

i love it that she is learning to hear God, that she knows He loves her and wants to be friends with her. that He likes her and wants to talk to her. that He wants a real relationship with her. that He is not a big guy up there ready to squash her when she screws up. i'm still learning that.

now about that challenging adventure part....?


Rachel Wilson said...

that is so precious. We are so excited about tomorrow!

Rachel Wilson said...

that is one thing I can say. My children learn so much from my grandparents. My maternal set (a.k.a ma & pa) spend time in the garden with them teaching them to grow things and helping us freeze and can and showing my children how to care for the land and what God gave us and how to reap the benefits of that. My grandfather is a blacksmith and my children get to watch him do his trade which is absolutely amazing. We make molasses and cook outside and learn things from the past and I am overcome with peace and love as I watch my family spend time interacting in that way. It is a blessing to be cherished.

I do think I will be in shock the day I lose a grandparent. I still have all of mine and a great grandmother.
I am very close to 3 of them and need to find a way to accept that it may be sooner rather than later.

Rachel Wilson said...

what can I bring tomorrow and dont say nothing!

homelover2 said...

Hi Shyla! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. I just got through looking through yours and wow! we have a lot in common! Why can't I meet people like you IRL?? I look forward to getting to know you through MOMYS and your blog--I bookmarked it. Where do you live?

homelover2 said...

Oh and the "how can it be a large career" quote--I LOVE it! Who said that???

"How can it be a large career to tell other people’s children about arithmetic, and a small career to tell one’s own children about the universe? How can it be broad to be the same thing to everyone, and narrow to be everything to someone? No; a woman’s function is laborious, but because it is gigantic, not because it is minute. I will pity Mrs. Jones for the hugeness of her task; I will never pity her for its smallness." ~GK Chesterton

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2012 November